An elegant and classic overcoat but with modern twist. This garment, very light, is made of pure cashmere, one of the most noble cloths.
Distinguishing mark is the English check-patterned cloths. A classic revisited.
The model, single-breasted with three buttons, contains many of the hallmarks of our sartorial line: felled seams, shoulder felled to “S-shape”, sleeve felled to “shirt”, boat breast-pocket.
The attention to detail makes it a unique garment, original and exclusive.
Feature of this model is lightweight, which makes it suitable even for this time of year. It is, in fact, a garment completely unlined.
The interior of the coat, the so-called “heart”, is very light, because it is without horse hair, generally used in the design.
In the photo-gallery, we show you some details of our model.
Se desiderate conoscere nel dettaglio un altro nostro modello, potete consultare anche il seguente post